Monday, May 19, 2014

Warmer weather in Michigan

After a long and very cold winter, we are finally
Seeing green in Michigan
My seedlings are doing well in the greenhouse.
Benny even got to go out in
 the veggie garden area.  Our yard
Is fenced in but Benny is
 a "scaredey bun".
He's timid and things scare him.
 I let him in my smaller veggie
garden area  so that I can catch
him if he panics and doesn't
 run under the deck.
I will try and let him out
 on cooler days so that he
moves around more and maybe
Loses a pound or two.
He's a big chubby slug.
Blue forget me nots are blooming
I love violets, one of my favorites
these are pine berries I bought on-line
 and started in this pot in the
Greenhouse because it was
 so cold here. They are white
strawberries That supposedly
 have a pineapple taste.
  We'll see what they taste like.
They will be transplanted next
  to strawberries into this new
 bed my husband made for me.
It's on the south side of the
 house so it gets the
Most sun, next to my raspberry
 and black berry bushes.
I thought it was cute!
Bunny lounging next to bunny statue
My first flower shopping haul,
I can't even step into the greenhouse to
Water.  Gotta do some re-arranging.
I'm excited to plant and see things
Grow after such a terrible winter.



  1. Love all these photos. You are amazing with all the things you can do girlfriend. Benny next to the statue is way too cute!

    1. OH thanks Michelle, one more day of work and I will be on vacation next week. Looking forward to doing my fun stuff all week. Planting, art stuff and my animals!
