This is the Picture that started it all...
So I had been searching for a large breed dog to adopt.
I was getting discouraged as I was getting no where.
So one day I decided to broaden my search requirements
to 200 miles from my home and these
2 heads popped up on my screen.
They were in Cincinnati Ohio. I immediately
filled out the application and included pic of my
large fenced in yard, my house and of my beloved
Angel May with a long story about her.
I was told they don't adopt out farther than 75 miles away.
So sorry we weren't eligible.
However I kept emailing. See Zuk is 8 1/2 yrs old.
That's very old in dog years. The thought of him
dying in a shelter just was so heart breaking.
Finally on 20 April a member of the
shelter called and said yes they had to
discussed it with all the board members, and our home
looked like a good home for them. I literally
jumped up and down!
On 24 April at 7AM we headed to Cincinnati.
It was 4 1/2 hours one way.
Their first time in their new yard.
They warmed up quickly to their new home!
The Dog beds didn't last long. As they had a
couch at the shelter.
They love the big yard and running around in it.
They are so fast, I swear they are faster than my horse.
Sometimes I just have to pinch myself and
I think I can't believe this is my life!
I am so truly Grateful for all
these Wonderful Blessings
God has given me.
I am so grateful I found them online and that the rescue STAF allowed
us to adopt them. I had told my husband after Angel died
I don't even look forward to Gardening without a dog in the yard
keeping me company, and now I have 2!
My neat and tidy Livingroom went out the window!
and in it's place came Happy Dogs and lots of Love.
I have never met such affectionate, loving dogs.
We just love them so much!
My niece with them...
Good morning cuddles on a Saturday morning!
Old man Zuk sticks to me like glue. He is my
protector, and puts himself in front of me
when I answer the door. They both go downstairs
at 5AM to be with me when I work out.
We haven't really introduced them to the cat or rabbits.
They have seen them over the baby
gates, but the fact that there are 2 of them and
they could gang up on them sort of nixed it for me.
I'd rather keep everyone safe.