Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bunny Bonding

Every night we work a little on
bunny bonding
Ben is abnormally bonded to this
stuffed bunny.  I am trying to take it away.
He was not happy when I took it away
cold turkey. He is less aggressive when he
cuddles and grooms the stuffed
bunny and it's kind of a buffer.
Hazel wants to love on him and groom him
and he is into ignoring her mode.
or he lunges at her and grunts.
 In the morning he races over to
her cage first thing and they nose 
each other through the mesh.
   So hopefully that's a good sign??? 
Every night gets a little better. 
I try not to get discouraged
and stay optimistic
I'm in no great rush.
Hazel has no clue why
Ben is being such a poop,
as she's just a sweetie.
She fits in perfectly with
all the other animals
in the house.
My goal is bunnies that will
be bonded without
any serious injuries.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pottery Bunnies and Flowers

Just sharing some of my pottery creations for
the garden that I have made...
This large bunny plaque is approximately
14"x18" and I will hang it somewhere outside on
my house. It was just an unplanned piece that
just kind of happened and I love it. 
The bunny pots are a new idea.
These are my first ones that I have made
and I gave them as gifts.
I made the bunnies
appliqués in terra cotta clay

and later applied them to
store bought terra cotta pots
with liquid nail after they
were fired.   Then stained and glazed
them together.
I will be experimenting with doing
more of these.
Also to go with the pots I made garden markers.
Just to stick wherever you want... 

I'm thinking of warmer days
and greener times in Michigan!