Friday, June 22, 2018

What a Month??

And not in a good way.......

I didn't post last week.  Just too much
stuff going on....
On the way to work I got into an
accident on Tuesday.  Thankfully no one
was hurt.  My truck got ker-chunked! 

Plus I have been dealing for the past
month with my horse
having a leg injury that caused her
to go very lame and be on stall rest
for a week.  We still
are not 100%  what the injury
was- After $1000 in vet bills.
What I do know is that the x-rays
indicated no fractures- but some
arthritis. Most likely she had a muscle
injury high up in her rear end. 
She is on the mend now.
She gets turned out and I am
giving her glucosamine injections
and applying Surpass (horse topical aspirin)
to her hock joint.  I am also soon going to
start light riding and see how everything goes.

Here it is improving but still dragging.

She has a fibrotic myopathy on her Right
rear leg from an old injury. 
It doesn't hurt her but when she injured her Left
leg it is pretty important that
everything heals as she needs
4 pain free legs to live!

It's more important for me to
take everything slow and
make sure she is well.

 Last month we lost our dog Jake...

We miss him very much.

He was the best dog ever! He never did
anything wrong and got along
with all the animals.  Always made
we wonder why someone took
him to the pound.  Obviously their loss
and our win!

On  a good note!
Boo Boo (Benny) turned the big 7!!!!

whooo hoooo!  When I bonded Boo and Hazel he was 5
and I saw how much they loved each other.
I so hoped that he would make it to 7 so
they could enjoy some time together.
That just seemed so far and unattainable.
Online it listed average giant lift span at 5.
But look at them now!
So I am ecstatic that he's a very old man!

 I am trying to get back
in the swing of things!

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